Posts for the 'Uncategorized' category

‘Citizens Today’ documentary film
Posted on September 12, 2012
Categories: Uncategorized
‘Citizens Today’ is a film made by The Concerned for Working Children (CWC) in 2002 to provide an overview to our work in children’s citizenship. The …
Read the storyMakkala Grama Swaraj (Born with Rights) documentary film
Posted on September 12, 2012
Categories: Uncategorized
In order to document the experiences of the Makkala Panchayats and their immense positive impact on rejuvenating democracy, we have made the film ‘Makkala Grama …
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Heroor Panchayat’s Makkala Grama Sabha
Posted on September 11, 2012
Categories: Uncategorized
The Makkala (Children’s) Grama Sabha in Heroor Panchayat was conducted on April 5th , 2011 in the middle of beautiful field. There was no hierarchy …
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Welcome to our new website
Posted on September 06, 2012
Categories: Uncategorized
We’ve been working hard to make it easier than ever for you to learn about us, the work we do, and the children who inspire us through this new website. In some time we will migrate the old site ( completely, and it will be removed altogether.
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CWC calls for decentralised response to malnutrition
Posted on August 09, 2012
Categories: Uncategorized
Roshni Nugehalli and Rav Gera of CWC today published a piece in the Deccan Herald calling for a decentralised response to Karnataka’s growing malnutrition crisis.
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8000 protest for powers to Panchayats
Posted on July 18, 2012
Categories: Uncategorized
Over 8000 people from all over Karnataka gathered in Freedom Park today, at a rally facilitated by CWC, to demand devolution of finances and powers to Grama Panchayats.
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CWC nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted on March 01, 2012
Categories: Uncategorized
CWC has become the first Bangalore-based NGO to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Read the storyIndia’s first ever Children’s Ward Sabha takes place in Bangalore
Posted on February 23, 2012
Categories: Uncategorized
For the first time in the history of India, the metropolitan city of Bangalore bore witness to a successful ‘Children’s Ward Sabha’ today. More than …
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